50 Salem Street , Suite B.

Thomasville, N.C. 27360


Lactation Consultation Services

  • Prenatal Breast Assessement
  • Breast Pump Education & Assembly
  • Positioning & Latch Assistance
  • Pre and Post Feeding Weight Checks
  • Low Milk Supply Assessment & Plan
  • Pumping & Returning to Work Plan
  • NICU & Preterm Infants
  • Oral Evaluation & Post Frenectomy Care
  • Lymphatic Drainage Massage
  • Adoptive & Re-lactation

Most services are covered by insurance

In-clinic, in-home, and virtual visits now available

Mother Breastfeeding Her Baby

Join us

10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

for Baby Café

Tuesdays: 1200 Arlington St. Greensboro, N.C.

Wednesdays: 401 Taylor Ave. High Point, N.C.

Thursdays: 101 Randolph St. Thomasville, N.C.

Heart Sun

Baby Café is a free drop-in for pregnant and breastfeeding families.

Video en español sobre el amamantamiento

Resources for

Patients & Providers

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Lisa Russell Miller, D.HSc, IBCLC



Lisa Russell Miller obtained her Doctor of Health Sciences from Campbell University School of Pharmacy & Health Sciences. She also holds degrees in Nutrition and Dietetics and Applied Arts and Sciences; both from The University of North Carolina, Greensboro. Lisa is Internationally Board-Certified as a Lactation Consultant (IBCLC).

Lisa has vast expertise with preterm and critically ill infants and medically complex lactation patients as a former hospital-based Neonatal ICU Lactation Consultant. She has worked clinically with breastfeeding families and medical providers from the prenatal period through weaning. Dr. Miller is also actively engaged in breastfeeding research with subject-matter expertise and interests in nonpharmacological methods to decrease perinatal depression and incentives to improve breastfeeding outcomes.

In addition to her private practice, Lisa is the founder and Executive Director of Empower Breastfeeding, Inc., a nonprofit organization dedicated to empowering those who nurture others. Lisa is a mother of four adult children, all of whom were breastfed.